
Alessandro Morea/ IFOM (D. Branzei group) /
ESR1: “Uncovering functional regulations of the SMC5/6 complex implicated in human disease”

Enrico Pobega/ Paris7 (S. Polo group) /
ESR3: “Heterochromatin maintenance in response to DNA damage”

Claudia Gonzalez/ LMU (A. Ladurner group) /
ESR4: “Molecular role of mitochondrial ADP-ribosylation in DNA damage and replication”

Lance Shiu-Yeung Lam/ NKI (J. Jacobs group) /
ESR5: “Mechanisms underlying ubiquitin-mediated DNA damage responses to telomere deprotection”

Ann Mirsanaye/ UCPH (N. Mailand group) /
ESR6: “Regulation of DNA-protein crosslink repair in human cells”

George Papadogkonas/ FORTH (C. Spilianakis group) /
ESR7: “DNA damage-driven chromatin changes and immunometabolism”