Summer Schools

Summer schools will take place during years 2 and 4 to develop the thematic areas of Bioinformatics analysis and Bioimaging issues in depth, respectively. The Summer schools will be mandatory for all ESRs, they will last for ~ 3 days and will require the participation of at least half of the aDDRess PIs plus 3-7 invited speakers. Both summer schools will be open to 10 additional participants. aDDRess ESRs will be involved in organizing both schools e.g. advertisement of the events, selecting external speakers. The following Summer schools are planned:

1. The Bioinformatics Summer School

The first summer school will be coordinated by FORTH in collaboration with the UKK and the CG2 group at the University of Crete which is an associate partner of aDDRess-ITN Action (see letter of commitment, Section B7). The Summer School will take place in a dedicated building at FORTH premises that is equipped with superb computer facilities and servers. The Summer School aims to provide the ESRs with key expertise, training and mentoring in computational approaches related to Chromatin Structure and Epigenomics. The first day the course will cover basic aspects of computer programming and data handling. The remaining 2 days, the summer school will focus exclusively on the bioinformatics analysis of genomic, metabolomics and proteomic data; there will be opportunity for the ESRs to analyse their own data during this course.

2. The Bioimaging Summer School

The second summer school will be coordinated by the Paris7, the CNRS in collaboration with the IESL at FORTH, an associate partner of aDDRess-ITN Action (see letter of commitment, Section B7). The Summer school will take place at the dedicated facilities of CNRS. The first day the course will cover basic concepts of microscopy, imaging and image data analysis. The remaining 2 days, the summer school will focus on the design, development and application of tomographic technologies for in-vivo imaging in living systems as well as in the non-invasive visualization of specific molecular targets and pathways by exploiting the fluorescence signal emitted by fluorescent probes attached to cells or molecules.