DB is a Tenured Group Leader and Head of the DNA Repair lab at IFOM, the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology in Milan. DB is faculty member of two PhD programmes directed by the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM, http://www.semm.it/) and the Open University (http://www.openuniversity.edu/). DB is also member of the Educational committee of the OU programme. DB is an EMBO Member and a recipient of both a European Research Council Starting grant (REPSUBREP 2009) and an ERC Consolidator grant (REPSUMODDT 2016). DB has successfully supervised the thesis of 5 PhD students (the 5th scheduled for formal graduation in January 2018) and has published several high-impact publications. She is regularly invited as a speaker in international workshops and conferences.
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AL is Chair of Physiological Chemistry in the Medical Faculty of LMU Munich. AL is EMBO Member and recipient of the Wilhelm-Vaillant-Prize. AL is a board member of the DFG-funded SFB1064 Chromatin Dynamics and Excellence Cluster CIPSM. He is member of the International Max Planck Research School and of the Excellence Cluster SyNergy. AL coordinates the Horizon2020 MSCA ITN ChroMe and coordinated the ERA-NET NEURON-Network “Food4Thought”, FP7 MSCA ITN Nucleosome4D, FP6 ITN Chromatin Plasticity and was Training Coordinator for FP7 NoE EpiGeneSys. AL has graduated 10 of his PhD students and organized the Spetses Summer School for Chromatin Biology for 4 times. AL holds international patents and is the founding member of the SAB of VolitionRx, a cancer diagnostics firm.
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Phone: | +49 89 2180 77095 |
Fax: | +49 89 2180 77093 |
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Professor, University of Crete

Professor, University of Crete
GG is a Professor of Genetics at the department of Developmental and Functional Biology at FORTH and the University of Crete. GG is a member of two graduate programmes at the Department of Biology and at the Medical School of the University of Crete. GG is an EMBO Young Investigator and a recipient of ERC consolidator grant (DeFiNER 2014). GG has successfully coordinated an FP7-Marie Curie Training network (G.A. no 316390; 2012-2016) and a National research and training network on Aging (GenAge) and has participated in several European Training networks e.g. Codeage, Marriage, Chromatin3D. GG has supervised the thesis of 8 PhD students and has published several high-impact publications. He has earned two international patents and is regularly invited as a speaker in international workshops.
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB-FORTH)
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Phone: | +30-2810-391246 |
Fax: | +30-2810-391101 |

CGS is a tenured Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biology of the University of Crete and an associated researcher at the IMBB-FORTH. He has supervised 4 PhD theses, and is currently supervising 5 PhD students and 1 MSc student. He is also a member of two graduate programmes one at the Department of Biology and one at the Medical School of the University of Crete. CGS has a proven track record in research on chromatin regulation and gene expression in the adaptive immune system by molecular, genetic and biochemical approaches. His laboratory is funded by several competitive grants summing more than 2M€ the last six years and he has also been invited as a speaker in several universities and international conferences.
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB-FORTH)
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Phone: | +30-2810-391163 |
Fax: | +30-2810-391101 |

JJ is associate professor at the Oncogenomics Division of the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. JJ is an EMBO Young Investigator, AcademiaNet member, LIBRA Career Development Compass mentor, Advisory Editorial Board Member of Life Science Alliance and awarded with ‘cum laude’ MSc and PhD degrees, the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Award, a Dutch Cancer Society Fellowship, a Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research-VIDI Grant and an ERC Starting Grant. JJ has supervised 5 PhD students (3 ongoing) in her own lab and 9 from other labs within the Graduate Oncology School Amsterdam. She published several high-impact publications, earned an international patent and is regularly invited as speaker in international conferences and member of grant evaluation panels.
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Phone: | +31 20 512 1784 |
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NC is an Assistant Professor at the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Karolinska Institutet and Science for Life Laboratory in Stockholm. NC has a unique multidisciplinary track in medicine, oncology, molecular biology and systems biology. In 2013, he pioneered the first method for genome-wide detection of DNA double-strand breaks (BLESS, Nature Methods 2013) and further advanced the BLESS method (BLISS, Nat. Commun 2017), placing NC at the forefront in the field. Since 2015, he has supervised 1 senior scientist, 2 postdocs, 3 PhD students, 2 MSc and 5 Erasmus students. NC has trained >30 scientists in the BLESS/BLISS methods.
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Acting Director of the UKK Research Center at UKK

Acting Director of the UKK Research Center at UKK
BS holds the Chair for Genome Stability in Ageing and Disease and serves as Acting Director of the UKK Research Center at UKK. He holds the ERC starting grant, has coordinated the FP7-PEOPLE-ITN “CodeAge” and participated in several ITN programmes. BS has successfully supervised 5 PhD students with important publications. His work focuses on understanding how DNA damage drives ageing. His current group (6 PhD students and 8 postdocs) utilizes the C. elegans system to investigate how longevity pathways counteract DNA damage.
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Phone: | +49 221 478 84202 |
Fax: | +49 221 478 84204 |
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JL is Full Professor for Life Sciences at the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). JL received the Friedrich Miescher Prize (2002), is an elected EMBO member (2005) and received an ERC advanced investigator grant (TERRA, 2008). JL participated in the FP7-Marie Curie Training network CodeAge. JL successfully supervised the thesis of 12 PhD students and has published high-impact papers. He organized national and international conferences and is regularly invited as speaker in international workshops and conferences. JL is on the advisory editorial boards of EMBO Journal and EMBO Reports, ERC starting grant review panel member and SAB member of the Center of Integrative Genomics (University of Lausanne).
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Phone: | +41 21 69 30721 |
Fax: | +41 21 6930720 |
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SP is a group leader at the Epigenetics & Cell Fate Center in Paris, France (CNRS/Paris Diderot University; Paris7), where she owns a permanent staff scientist position funded by the French medical research council (Inserm). SP is an EMBO Young Investigator and a recipient of an ERC starting grant (EpIn 2013). SP received several prizes for her research work and for graduate student supervision. Her team is a partner in the laboratory of excellence network “Who am I?” and has successfully supervised the thesis of 4 PhD students and published several high-impact publications including Cell and Molecular Cell. SP is regularly invited as a speaker in international seminars and conferences and is co-organizing a forthcoming EMBO workshop.
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Phone: | +33 (0)1 57 27 89 81 |
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GL is a research director appointed by the CNRS at the department of Genome Dynamics at the Center for Integrative Biology (CBI). GL is an EMBO Young Investigator and a recipient of ERC consolidator grant (DIvA-2014). She is part of the EpiGeneSys European network. She was awarded a bronze medal from the CNRS in 2011. GL is co-supervising the Genome Dynamic axis at the CBI, is part of the CBI scientific council and involved in multiple selection committees e.g. PhD students, young PI open calls. GL has successfully supervised the thesis of several PhD students and has published several high-impact publications. She is regularly invited as a speaker in workshops and conferences.
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NM is a Professor at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research at University of Copenhagen. NM is an EMBO Young Investigator and a current recipient of an ERC Consolidator Grant. NM has published many high-impact papers (incl. 32 in Nature, Science, Cell and their sister journals), is a recipient of a range of prestigious Danish research prizes and awards and is frequently invited as a speaker at international conferences. As a PI, NM has raised extramural funding amounting to more than €8M, incl. three recent H2020-MSCA-IF grants, and he has supervised 12 PhD students (8 graduated) and 5 MSc students (4 graduated).
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Phone: | +45 35 32 50 23 |
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LK is a Principal Investigator of the Genome Integrity (GENI) research group at the International Clinical Research center (ICRC) and an Associate Professor at Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University. LK is a supervisor of undergraduate (20 finished + 3 current) as well as PhD students (8 finished + 3 current) and postdocs, many of them are working with his research team. LK is also chair of the scientific board of the BIOSKOP scientific educational center. LK has obtained or participated in several national and international research grants incl. the FP7 REGPOT and Wellcome Trust - Collaborative Award in Science. LK has earned three patents and is regularly invited as a speaker in international workshops and conferences.
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Phone: | +420 549 49 3767 |
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SS has invented the DNA Repair assay concept (4 patents) and she is the co-founder, CEO and R&D Manager of LXRepair. She will supervise and coordinate the project for LXRepair. She has spent 14 years in a diagnostic company before joining the LAN Lab at CEA and deciding to develop technologies with the aim to bring DNA Repair to the clinics. She has completed 6 PhD supervisions, and managed more than 10 postdocs and several industrial projects. In addition, she participated in European and national projects in the fields of DNA damage and DNA Repair (ESCODD, COMICS).
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Emeritus Professor at the Department of Nutrition, Oslo University

Emeritus Professor at the Department of Nutrition, Oslo University
AC is Research Director and Board Member at Norgenotech; Emeritus Professor at the Department of Nutrition, Oslo University. Researcher in the area of DNA damage and repair for 40 years, and authority on comet assay. Author of more than 250 research articles, with H-index of 60. Principal investigator of many international and national projects; coordinator of EC project COMICS. Recently set up ComNet, a network of more than >100 researchers using the comet assay in human biomonitoring, and hCOMET – EC COST action aiming at creating a unified database of comet assay data relating to human health and disease. He has trained in the comet assay dozens of international students at Master or PhD level, as well as post-docs.
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MN is a professor of bioinformatics at the University of Tampere, Finland. MN has a solid track record of successfully supervised 10 PhD students. He leads a well-funded multidisciplinary group of 20 people whose expertise range from mathematics to molecular biology. At Genevia Technologies, he supervises and leads all data analysis projects that come from pharmaceutical industry, diagnostics and industrial biotechnology. His research interests span from theoretical biology to translational cancer research, all of which are NGS data-driven.
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